I didn’t choose wrong career– Mrs Cecelia Olokunlade
Mrs. Cecelia Funke Olokunlade is the current Principal of Akure Secondary Commercial School, Akure, Akure Local Government Area of Ondo State. She spoke with The Focus Magazine Publisher, Ayodele Ologunola, on the recent 60th anniversary of the school, her journey so far, and other issues.
How do you find yourself in the teaching profession
The teaching profession has been a career I loved so much when I was growing up. Immediately, I finished my Secondary education and obtained JAMB forms; I made up my to study education, and I studied Yoruba Education. I think that makes my journey in the profession faster.
In some of the Secondary schools you worked as a teacher, what legacy did you leave behind
I was recruited as a Yoruba teacher by the Ondo State Teaching Service Commission (TESCOM); there were no enough Yoruba teachers in the state as at that time. Then, Yoruba was a compulsory subject for all the students. In the school I was posted to, l was the only Yoruba teacher from JSS 1-JSS3. I made sure that I taught in all the classes, and I thank God that I produced a good crop of students.
I have a student who was in the science class. When I was posted to another school I met her. I did not know she had changed to a Yoruba student. She was posted to my school for her teaching practice. I asked her that I taught you were a science student before, but now you’re teaching Yoruba.
She said, when you were teaching us then, I had a great passion for Yoruba language. I dropped the science subject to study Yoruba at the university. She is now a senior Yoruba teacher today.
I thank God for what He has been using me for as a Yoruba teacher, Vice Principal, Principal and for taking me to the pinnacle of my career.
It seems that the Yoruba subject is now going into extinction. They don’t make it a compulsory course as it was before. What do you think is wrong with it
The problem we have is that we don’t believe in what we have. We want foreign languages to dominate our language. We took the English Language as a compulsory subject instead of promoting our own, which is the Yoruba language.
When we were growing up, we hardly spoke English. We speak our dialect. Then, the English Language was so difficult for us to speak.
I believe that was the reason they deviated from the Yoruba language. In the class, they would say don’t speak Yoruba vernacular, speak the English Language. When we want to communicate or write exams, we do it in English Language. Then, it’s difficult for us to see a student who can speak the English Language. Many students would pass all their subjects but fail the English Language.
During our time, English and Mathematics were not very compulsory. If you are in the science class, you will not be able to speak English Language very well. The English Language was not made compulsory for the science class. Likewise, for the art students, Mathematics was not made compulsory. Now that everyone speaks the English Language, the situation of things has changed completely.
What we need to do now is to speak our language to our children. Hardly in every home will you see parents speaking Yoruba to their children? Also, how many parents still allow their children to go and study the Yoruba language at the university? They will say what you want to do with the Yoruba language.
Other countries use their language to teach their students and that was the reason they make it. Why isn’t it good for us to use our mother tongue to teach our students
Well, I don’t know the reason. I believe our government can still right the wrong. We have different languages in the country and we need one common language.
In Yoruba land, we have different languages, Ibo with different languages, and likewise Hausas. This is the major problems that I believe was created by nature. Our government should adopt one common language as it recently does in the US. If you study the Yoruba language and there is no work for you, can you take it to an oil company for work? No. If the Yoruba language is marketable, people will go for it. The nursing profession is marketable, and people are rushing to it. The government must make sure our language is marketable.
Some of our pastors have a church in Yoruba-speaking states; you will see them speaking English Language to their congregation. Do we need it? What is our business in using the English Language to preach in Yoruba land? It’s only our language we can use to think, dream, and do other things.
Before you get to the peak of your career, what are some of the challenges you encountered on the job
The peculiar challenges I encountered when I was employed was that, Yoruba teachers were very few, and the subject was made compulsory then. I had to teach a lot of students because the subject was compulsory; I thank God that I turned out a lot of students. Today, only a few students are doing the Yoruba subjects.
Another problem is that parents do not buy textbooks for their children; the students will rely on the teacher. When students do not have textbooks, it makes work difficult for the teachers.
You are the sitting principal that celebrated 60th anniversary of Akure Secondary Commercial School, how do you feel
It was a great privilege to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Akure Secondary Commercial School. It’s my first experience in which I thank God for the success. The Alumni changed the face of the school and work is ongoing. I want to appreciate the Alumni for their support and cooperation for the success of the anniversary. They invested their time, energy and money in every area of the anniversary.
The anniversary gave me the opportunity to meet some of the Alumni of the school.
In this chosen career of yours, are you fulfilled
I appreciate God for the level He has taken me to in my chosen career. I’m more than fulfilled. I did not choose wrong career. When I look back and see were I am today, I say all glory belongs to God. All what I achieved in my life was through this teaching profession.
What is your word of advice for parents and students
I must appreciate the parents for their cooperation. If parents are not cooperating in bringing their children to the school, efforts of the government will be meaningless, and it will bounce back on the society. Our parents should take good care of their children by giving them good home training. If a child is well trained, he or she will not get involve in bad things. The students must be hardworking and focus on their vision and mission as good students. They should not engage in shortcut as there is no shortcut to success in life. They always need to pay the price for their successes and achievements in life.